Friday 11 March 2016


Earlier this morning, having some quiet time and looking at some pictures, I was drawn to a photo of a fairground roundabout with the usual 'fixed horses' leaping off!

Then God spoke to me quite clearly, and said that many, many people are being released from 'old ways' and 'old circles of life repeats' are being broken off bringing them into places of abundance.

Just as the photograph was showing, some of the horses were leaping off into freedom.  In the same way, many have the opportunity to stop going around and round, with the same music, on the same route, doing the same things, and leap into a NEW freedom!

I really want to encourage anyone that knows,mor feels that this is them, and to 'take the risk' to jump off the roundabout and dance to the NEW music, the new rhythms, that Heaven is currently releasing.

Heaven is releasing New things and a release from old ways of doing things.  Let's take the leap in this Leap Year and go with the flow!

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